Glee: 10 Episodes EVERY Fan Should Have Seen

7. Journey To Regionals

Glee Season 5

If Glee only lasted one season...Journey To Regionals would have been an incredibly satisfying ending.

Journey To Regionals managed to wrap up every aspect of the shows first season in a nice little bow. The war between Vocal Adrenaline and the New Directions finally ends with Will Schuester's gang of outcasts coming up on the losing end. This was a perfect way to end the season, because even though the group didn't win, they had moved past all their differences to become closer as a group.

Finn and Rachel's blossoming relationship comes to a head with Finn finally confessing his love for Ms Berry, before nailing a fantastic cover of "Faithfully". The music is superb in this episode. We all know that Jonathan Groff is a fantastic singer from his work in Hamilton and Frozen, but looking back at his performance in this episode, it's just stunning. He actually manages to nail a cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody".

The other members of the cast aren't slacking either, particularly Dianna Agron who's pregnancy arch finally pays off in this episode. Journey To Regionals is a great finale for the debut season.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.