Glee: 10 Episodes EVERY Fan Should Have Seen

6. On My Way

Glee Season 5

Glee is a show that proves one great sequence can make a great episode. The sequence in question is during Blaine's incredible performance of "Cough Syrup" and it highlights the impact of bullying and also deeply humanises one of the former antagonists.

Dave Karofsky had yet to come out as gay at his new school, yet when word gets around that he has been to a gay bar recently, Dave takes drastic measures to deal with the awful ridicule and mocking he gets from his friends. What follows is a heart-breaking montage of Dave contemplating suicide, until he eventually decides to take his own life.

This sequence definitly steals the show due to its raw emotional power, but the rest of the episode is stellar as well. The New Directions have one of their best Regionals performances with "Here's To Us", "What Doesn't Kill You (Makes You Stronger)" and "I Believe I Can Fly/Fly".

Overall, On My Way packs an incredibly emotional punch. One of the highlights of season 3.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.