Glee: 10 Episodes EVERY Fan Should Have Seen

5. The Break Up

Glee Season 5

The inevitable break up of both Finchel and Klaine was something that fans knew was on the horizon. With both Rachel and Kurt in New York, we knew that something would rip both couples apart.

This came in season 4 when Finn paid a visit to Rachel who was already moving on with new man Brody. This started to build the tension between the two, until Rachel confesses to kissing Brody, which leaves Finn heartbroken, eventually leading him back to McKinley.

Suffering from the long distant relationship, Blaine stupidly decides to hook up with someone he meets online. Blaine then travels to New York to join Kurt, yet he eventually confesses something is wrong through song (of course) in a devastating rendition of "Teenage Dream".

Oh...and Santana and Brittany break up! Santana confesses the struggles of long-distance relationships through her beautiful performance of "Mine" by Taylor Swift. Honestly, this episode tugs on every single one of your heartstrings in the best and worst ways!

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.