Gotham: 10 Most Disturbing Episodes

6. 'The Scarecrow' (S1 E15)

Gotham Barbara Keen The Anvil or the Hammer

The second episode to follow Gerald Crane as he continues his killing spree, this episode marks the birth of one of Batman's greatest enemies, putting a new and slightly different spin on his established backstory.

Forced by his father to join in with the torture of their victims by using adrenal glands to trigger extreme fear, young Jonathan Crane is shown to be a quiet, nervous boy.

The episode mostly revolves around Gordon and Bullock following the Cranes' trail, and we learn that Gerald has been dosing his son with the serum, causing the boy's fragile mental state.

As the detectives finally catch up to the pair, the Cranes attempt to escape, stopping by an old scarecrow, when Gerald decides to administer the last of the serum. He gives Jonathan a massive dose, then leaves him beneath the scarecrow as he steps out to face the detectives.

A brief cutaway gives us our first glimpse of the horrors of the Dollmaker's prison, and then it cuts back to Jonathan Crane, lying in a hospital bed, convulsing and screaming in terror. Gordon is told that he's constantly hallucinating, and that the serum has permanently altered his brain chemistry.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.