Gotham: 10 Ways To Introduce Batman's Greatest Villains

1. Harleen Quinzel

Harley Quinn is obviously the character whose appearance in the show depends most upon what route the makers decide to go with the "Clown Prince of Crime". Whichever version is presented the opportunity is there to explore the 'Mad Love' origin story, whether it be with Harleen as a young student psychologist, on placement at Arkham and assigned to the criminal who will become the Joker, or in a Gotham-specific alternative version. If we get to see something similar to the aspiring stand-up comic story mentioned earlier, then Qunizel could be a psych-student friend of the pre-Joker comedian, one who is ever supportive of her friend's ambitions, which he rarely shows any gratitude for. Another option would be to have a similar storyline, but have Quinzel discover the comic by catching one of his performances. She could be on a night out with her student girlfriends when they decide to go to an open-mic comedy show. There they catch a nervous stand-up, whose act descends into vitriolic rage when confronted with a group of frat-boy hecklers. Quinzel is facsinated by the angry young man, and begins an obsession that will come to define her life. Any thoughts and comments on the list or which other Batman villains should be introduced? Sound off below!
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As well as the odd article, I apply my "special mind" to scriptwriting for Comics, Films and Games... Oh and I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flow'rs, I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars. Follow me on Twitter @DrRobertOtnik