Gotham: Every Major Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

14. Ra's Al Ghul (Seasons 3-5)

Gotham Jerome

Ra's Al Ghul (played by Alexander Siddig) is another well-known name in the Batverse - often considered to be Bruce Wayne's arch-nemesis. As a prequel, it was clear that in Gotham, Al Ghul would take on a slightly different role. Unfortunately, what we didn't know is that it would be a little underwhelming.

Gotham's Al Ghul played a pivotal role in encouraging Bruce to become the Batman but otherwise, his villainous attempts felt short-lived. Alongside Jeremiah Valeska, Al Ghul succeeded in killing Gotham's Mayor and destroying the bridges that provided access to the city, but this is where his plans ended.

With Barbara Keane and Bruce Wayne killing Al Ghul, it was Valeska who seized the opportunity to take advantage of Gotham's newly formed island state. Ra's thus felt like little more than a lackey - a means to an end.

Gotham's Head of the Demon was underused. He's the head of the League of Shadows - yet we never really saw what he was capable of.

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