Gotham: Every Major Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

13. Firefly/Bridgit Pike (Seasons 2-4)

Gotham Jerome

Bridgit Pike, played by Michelle Veintimilla & Camilla Perez, was Gotham's incarnation of the villain, Firefly.

Pike was originally reluctant to become a villain. She assisted her brothers with a series of arson attacks and robberies. It wasn't until Pike accidently wounded Officer Luke Garrett and went on the run with Selina Kyle, that she started to fall into her inevitable villainous role.

Pike's downfall was that she never really had a plan or a motive. Throughout its five season run, Gotham's writers just never quite worked out what to do with the character. From being manipulated by Hugo Strange to working for Penguin, Pike never stood on her own two feet.

The only constant in the character's storyline was her love-hate relationship with Mr Freeze, which saw the two characters constantly changing from allies to enemies. The storyline was somewhat entertaining, but it was little more than a time-filling sub-plot.

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