Gotham: Every Major Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

10. The Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch (Seasons 3-5)

Gotham Jerome

Jervis Tetch was Gotham's incarnation of DC villain, The Mad Hatter. Although played excellently by Benedict Samuel, Tetch was a little basic in regards to his motivations - he's an anarchist. That being said, it's people like Tetch that made Gotham both the show and city we know and love.

Tetch had a satisfying arc that allowed us to see the growth of the character. In Gotham's third season, Tetch was your average villain - stealing money from Gotham's wealthiest - but as with most villains, his hunger for power grew.

Gotham's 'Mad City' storyline allowed Tetch to proceed to the next level as he created the infamous 'Tetch Virus' following the death of his sister, Alice. Even Arkham Asylum wasn't enough to stop him. His incarceration only fuelled his desire for anarchy.

As established, Samuel did a great job of playing Tetch. He was eccentric and let's be honest, borderline insane, but Samuel always matched Tetch's energy with that of the scene. He certainly held his own alongside Penguin and Valeska in the 'Legion of Horribles,' which is a big undertaking.

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