Gotham Season 5: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From Trespassers

1. The Birth Of Catwoman

Gotham Selina Kyle Catwoman

Since Gotham began five years ago, the Fox series has teased Selina Kyle's future as Catwoman in several different ways. During the third season, she even fell from a height before being saved by cats - à la Batman Returns. Since then, she has continued to climb rooftop after rooftop, proving that nothing can keep her down. Yes, all of this development has been leading to her inevitable cat-inspired destiny - a destiny that was finally realised in Trespassers.

After receiving a cure for Selina from Ivy, Bruce delivers the item to his best friend. Selina ingests it, before undergoing a transformation which not only gives her the power of her legs back, but also makes her feel much better - and more stronger. As she embraces Bruce, she opens her eyes to reveal that her pupils now resemble those of a cat.

The awe-inspiring moment is nothing short of goosebump-inducing, not only because it's been a long time coming, but also because Ivy had informed Bruce of how, after taking this cure, Selina would be much different - this is clearly what she meant.

With 10 episodes of Gotham left to go, Selina will likely use her new-found abilities to track down the man responsible for her injuries - Jeremiah Valeska. Could we see a Joker and Catwoman altercation on the cards, perhaps? It's a likely possibility.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.