Gotham Season 5: 4 Ups & 1 Down From 'Ruin'

1. The Shocks

Gotham Jeremiah death Season 5

While Gotham has been anything but predictable during its five-season run, Ruin really takes things to the next level in this department, providing us with a ridiculous amount of unpredictable shocks and twists.

The biggest of all is Jeremiah's apparent death, which comes out of nowhere, as a disguised Selina makes her way up to the madman and stabs him repeatedly in the chest. While it's pretty much a given that the character will be resurrected in some capacity later down the line, it doesn't change the fact that this was a pretty spectacular death scene, given that nobody - not even Jeremiah himself - saw it coming.

The other big twist in the episode arises when Edward Nygma, after spending the entire day helping Lucius with his investigation into the explosion of Haven, discovers that he himself is the person who blew the sanctuary up. This reveal will no doubt have severe ramifications moving forward, and will likely aid Ed in fully embracing his true Riddler persona.

On a similar note, Gordon's exploration of his darker side is somewhat of a shock too, as the GCPD captain was once the most innocent of all the characters on the show, but it's clear that the post-apocalyptic environment is having an adverse effect on him.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.