Hannibal: 10 Greatest 'Holy Sh*t!' Moments So Far

7. Abigail Hobbs Becomes A Murderer

Episode: Potage One of the key characters of season one is Abigail Hobbs, daughter of Garret Jacob Hobbs, serial killer of the first episode. In "Potage", Abigail awakens from her injury-induced coma to confront the horror that her father has been shot by the FBI and condemned a serial murderer. The horrifying moment here comes when Abigail Hobbs is confronted by a brother of one of the victims. He presses her aggressively for information, and when he appears to get to aggressive, she murders him with a hunting knife - quite expertly, as Dr. Lecter is quick to note. This is the first scene that hints Abigail Hobbs may be more than just a victim of her father's murderous rampage, and it packs quite a punch.

Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.