Hannibal: 10 Moments Almost Too Disgusting For TV

2. Nurse Shish Kabob

The whole scene leading up to this poor nurse being skewered and placed on display is pretty graphic and horrifying. Once again in Entree, Abel Gideon tests the viewers' collective gag reflex. This super unlucky nurse was simply attempting to give care to Gideon but when she naively turned her back for a split second, all hell broke loose. The poor lady endured a pretty brutal assault during which her eyeballs were gouged out with Gideon's thumbs. Oh, It wasn't just suggested that her eyes were gouged out, they actually showed the entire event happening. As if that fate wasn't enough fun, she was then properly shish kebabed with every medical tool available in order to resemble another serial killer's famous tableau.

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A science nerd (although I prefer the term "enthusiast") to the core. I love bones, blood and books. Bring me an IV filled with coffee and I'll bake you a delicious coconut cake. You can follow me on twitter @AlainaJudgesYou