The Season 2 finale completely shocked everyone with the reveal that Bedelia Du Maurier was sitting on the plane with Hannibal. This is after she has repeatedly made clear she is aware of the cannibal's capabilities and proclivities. So just why is she on the plane with that sociopath? One theory is that she is actually Hannibals mentor and taught him how to work through his murderous tendencies. His youthful murders occurred in the books under the tutelage of Murasaki, who later shuns him. Maybe this in the show's twisted view of that. Other theories suggest she is a double agent. It's known Bedelia went to Jack in the episode Tome-wan to discuss Hannibals behaviour. Jack could have asked her to go to Hannibal and monitor him so that he and Will can nab him in the future. Given that Jack and Wills careers are all mucked up (Kade is out to arrest them), it would be wise to have someone else keeping an eye on Hannibal. So there you have it. What do you think will happen in Season 3 of Hannibal? Have you heard any other tasty rumours? Would you have dinner at Hannibals house?