Harry Potter TV Show: 13 Changes To The Originals They Should Make

7. Cut S.P.E.W. (And Sort Out The House Elves)

Remus Lupin Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

This is an outlier, as the films did cut S.P.E.W. (Society for Promotion of Elfish Welfare) and Hermione's activism, and good lord, they were better for it.

This entire plotline from the book really was very, very tedious, so this showed Steve Kloves making a good adaptational decision. For some bizarre reason, certain sections of the fanbase have whined about this being omitted, but really, leaving out this tedium was absolutely the right call, and hopefully the TV show will follow suit.

Also, speaking of the House Elves... what, exactly, is the deal with them?

They're depicted as this race of creatures who only desire a life of unpaid servitude, Dobby is depicted as an odd one out because he actually wanted to be free, and Hermione is ridiculed for wanting to help them.

This part of the series' lore is bizarre at best and kind of problematic at worst, and the series would do itself a huge favour by explaining what is really going on with these poor creatures. Or, alternatively, the series could make the House Elves unwilling servants who have been put under a curse or something like that.

Interestingly, there was a similar race introduced in modern Doctor Who called the Ood; they were introduced as a slave race who only wanted to serve, but it turned out that they had in fact been enslaved by a corrupt corporation. Maybe the Harry Potter reboot could come up with a similar backstory for the House Elves?

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.