Hawkeye TV Show: 6 Things It Must Include

4. Creative But Realistic Archery

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Hawkeye is an easy target for mockery when you look at the original team. A bow and arrow is hardly a match for Mjolnir, Cap’s shield, or the Iron Man suits at the end of the day. But Hawkeye always handled himself respectably. He’s the only one to get the drop on Scarlet Witch in Ulysses Klaue’s lair, and his arrows always surprise his foes.

He brings more than just a simple set of arrows. Far more advanced than the likes of fire and explosive arrows we’re used to in games like Tomb Raider, even. He beats Scarlet Witch by slamming an electrified arrowhead into her forehead, but makes sure it’s flat, rather than pointed. He doesn’t want to kill her after all, and just before that a pulsed arrow in between four henchmen knocks them all off their feet.

Those things were just building on what was established in the Battle Of New York, though. In his first main outing, we see him firing a USB stick tip, as well as his quiver rotating depending on which arrow he needs. Running out of them provides some great realism too. In his TV show, we need more inventiveness like this.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)