House Of Cards: Ranking All The Main Characters From Worst To Best

11. Edward Meechum

pete russo house of cards

Edward Meechum, Frank & Claire's one-time lover and bodyguard. He was like a dog to the Underwood's, he never left their side and always protected them from obvious harm. Never seeming to have a mind of his own or opinions that mattered, his begging to Frank to give him another chance after he was fired for discharging his weapon in the street was a highlight of his tenure in the show, as well as the threesome he enjoyed with the Underwood's.

Once he was in Frank's service he never left and became the man between Frank and everybody else. Of course, this meant that he was in the way when Lucas Goodwin's attempted assassination of Frank came awfully close to achieving its goal, that had it not been for Meechum's intervention, would have succeeded. Meechum took the bullets intended for Frank and killed Lucas before dying moments later of his wounds.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.