House Of Cards Season 4: 36 Biggest WTF Moments

2. The Truth Comes Out

Since the end of the series€™ first season, we€™ve known this moment would eventually come. Although Tom still doesn€™t realize how far the story goes (he hilariously believes Frank isn€™t a murderer), he has enough to put Frank down permanently. Regardless of whether it gets down to the truly awful things, the story proves corruption and abuse of power that would end the reign of President Underwood. And Frank knows it. He tries to use his silver tongue to convince Tom that it€™s all just Lucas Goodwin€™s conspiracy theories, but the seasoned journalist isn€™t biting. Frank can feel the walls closing in. He even admits to being scared. There€™s nothing that can save him this time. Unless€

A freelance writer and fan of the screen, both big and small.