House Of Cards Season 4: 36 Biggest WTF Moments

1. The Underwood's Declare War

Who knew that domestic terrorism would be the key to Frank€™s salvation? With their backs against the wall and the truth about their rise to power about to be made public, Frank and Claire resolve to distract the country with a simple tactic; fear of war. After letting the hostage be killed, they will declare war on the terrorist who threaten their nation and use the fear of the people to remain in power. It€™s hardly a new idea, news networks have been using it for years, but it represents the moment Frank made the transition into full-on super-villain. It leaves us with a killer last shot for the season: as everyone turns away in horror from the broadcasted killing of the hostage, Frank and Claire look on with cold, expressionless faces. Then Frank tells us, "We don't submit to terror, we make the terror", and both he and Claire look into the camera at us. Wow. Which other WTF moments belong on this list? Share your own favourites below in the comments thread.

A freelance writer and fan of the screen, both big and small.