How To Get Away With Murder: How They Got Away With The Murders

2. Lila Stangard

Stangard was a Middleton University student who never made it out of season 1. Part of a double act with Rebecca Sutter, it is eventually revealed she is sleeping with Sam Keating, as his role as villain unravels.

The earliest kill for our good friend Frank on this list, this one wasn’t actually at his own initiative. Frank was at this time being successfully emotionally blackmailed by Sam, due to his peripheral involvement in the death of Annalise’s unborn child. Sam decides that as Lila is pregnant with his child, and seeming increasingly likely to out their affair, she needed to be taken out of the picture.

With Sam already dead at this stage, all available evidence pointing to him, and at least morally sharing responsibility for this one, the murder was ultimately pinned on him. The act would not be without consequence for Frank however, leading to a break up with Laurel.


Writer on international relations, political philosophy, and drunken cowboys in video games. Contributor at WhatCulture.