Invincible: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

9. Rex Splode

Invincible and Atom Eve

This character is just a jerk on the surface level, as his constant bad behaviour and antagonistic attitude towards the lead made him seem, at first, like someone you were meant to hate. But, as the season progressed, it was easy to fall for his energetic charm. A lot of that had to do with the great vocal performance from Jason Mantzoukas, but it also came down to the changes he went through.

While he certainly didn't experience a strong character arc, it was clear that he'd shifted his priorities towards the end of the show. Yes, he could still be annoying, but he was a solid part of the team and had formed some great friendships, especially with Monster Girl.

Additionally, his explosives power was an exciting choice, as control over pyrotechnics is an excellent idea that doesn't get as much attention as the classic flying or strength powers. This is further explored in his slick design that's bright, colourful and matches his explosive personality.

He is let down by the fact that he's such an unlikeable character at times, but he brings a tonne of personality to the Guardians of the Globe, and that's sorely needed.

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