It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Times Dennis Reynolds Embraced His Inner Sociopath

8. Dennis Reynolds: Mindhunter

It's Always Sunny

Sometimes, Dennis displays hints of high levels of intelligence and a deep understanding of human emotion. Whether he actually has any emotions of his own, well, the jury is still out.

When the gang visits Dee's therapist, they each receive a professional psychiatric evaluation, and the unfortunate shrink contends with a whole host of deep-seated psychological issues. Luckily for her, she has an excellent assistant in Dennis Reynolds.

Dennis reveals that he has kept psychological dossiers on every member of the gang, and even started his file on Dee in the second grade. Dennis masterfully dances around the therapist's attempts to probe at him and swiftly diverts to the rest of the gang's issues. He considers himself to be a peer of the shrink, and mentions he likes the feeling of being in someone else's mind, possessing the ability to throw the proverbial executioner's switch at any time. He even goes so far as to say he probably will throw the switch at some point.

The scary part is that Dennis actually draws many of the same conclusions as the therapist, so perhaps he is in a position of power, and if that's the case, the gang could be better off keeping him at arm's length.


Craig Pollock hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.