It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: The Worst Episode From Every Season

5. Season 10 - Psycho Pete Returns

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

In many ways, this episode is the epitome of Always Sunny. It's a payoff to the debut of Psycho Pete, who was a character fans had heard of but never seen. But, in typical Always Sunny fashion, it pays off the joke with a deliberately underwhelming punchline. Sometimes that works, but here it fell flat.

As you can probably tell by the episode's title, this one follows the events after Mac and Charlie's terrifying childhood friend returns to their lives. However, instead of being the wild man we'd been taught about, he's actually a mind mannered and softly spoken introvert.

Seeing the gang terrified of a clearly innocent man and Mac/Charlie's attempts to get back the "fun version" of Pete has its merits. Still, the episode doesn't know what to say about its subject. It tries to make fun of mental illness and reflect on its misconceptions simultaneously, but doesn't commit to either.

Plus, it was a shame to lose the imaginary figure of Psycho Pete, as it was a hilarious part of Mac/Charlie's past that could have happily remained a mystery.


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