It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: The Worst Episode From Every Season

10. Season 5 - The Great Recession

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

This episode is another example of when Always Sunny is at its weakest, with far too many narratives floating around. Sticking with one concept and running all the characters through it works well for the show's formula, but it's hard to become invested when you're bouncing about the place like this.

"The Great Recession" shows as Frank loses all his money in a Ponzi scheme and the threat of Paddy's closure looms. Dee and Frank start a family business together, Mac and Dennis create an exclusive form of currency for Paddy's and Charlie tries to become a "crab person".

Again, there's a little too much going on in this one, as the characters all have their own things happening, and the only connection is the concept of business. This leads to the episode feeling disjointed, which is only made worse by the lack of significant laughs.

Plus, the outing culminates with the government paying them out and keeping the bar afloat. This does adhere to Always Sunny's anti-punchline philosophy, but, still feels like a quick and lazy way to resolve the issue.


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