Jack Bauer vs Walter White: Who's The Most Badass Character?

2. Least Badass Moment

Jack: At the end of season 3, exhausted from his toughest day yet and still coming down from the effects of smack withdrawal, Jack starts crying like a little baby in his car, resulting in the lamest final scene to any season of 24. Then there's the time he shot Curtis Manning, one of the show's best characters, dead without even trying to kneecap him first. Oh, and there's that time he basically converted to Islam, in yet another attempt by Fox to say, "We're not racist, honest!" Walter: On the other hand, Walter had a great gig going with Gray Matter Technologies, but strapped for cash, he ended up selling his shares for $5,000 and became a disenfranchised, downtrodden high school chemistry teacher. If he's not walking around the desert in his pants, he's trying to kiss his boss, assistant principal Molina, who then suspended him. And the whole letting Jane die thing, which in effect caused the plane crash... just really not badass at all. WINNER: Now, we have to use the word "winner" lightly here, because if you win, you're basically losing points on the badass-o-meter. It's fair to say that Jack's breakdowns over the years have primarily been a result of extreme trauma or tension, whereas Walt just places himself in hilariously embarrassing situations because he's more of a human being and less of a cartoon character than Jack. So, if Walt has suffered the greatest indignities, then the point has to go to Jack, who I'm pretty sure we're never going to see trotting around in white y-fronts anytime soon.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.