Jessica Jones: 11 Things From The Comic They Didn't Show

11. Discovering Captain America's Identity

The first storyline in Alias was very different to that of the show as it did not focus on Jessica€™s suffering due to Killgrave, which was the final arc of the comic book series. Instead, Jessica finds herself embroiled in a conspiracy theory to publicly unveil the identity of everyone€™s favourite walking propaganda, Captain America. Jessica is hired by a woman who wants her to investigate her sister and find out why she has undertaken an abrupt change in lifestyle. Snapping away at the target and her blonde buffchad of a boyfriend, Jessica ends up capturing footage of Steve Rogers changing into his Captain America underdoos. Knowing what people would do to gain such information, Jessica immediately goes about unraveling a conspiracy theory in which she is a pawn. She discovers that the President owes many a debt to powerful corporate types and they wish to teach him a lesson by having Jessica expose his €˜little buddy€™ to the press. Mr Zumous, the man who instigated the entire ordeal, claims that he was so mad at the President that he €˜flexed so hard and got an anal fissure€™, meaning that he literally ripped himself a new a**hole. Captain America later visits Jessica to express his gratitude and collect the footage, thankful that Jessica got there after he did the sideways shuffle while singing Star Spangled Banner.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.