Legion Season 2: 8 Major Questions We Need Answers To

5. Is Oliver Trapped In The Astral Plane Again?

Legion Season 2

In the latter half of Legion season 1, David and the Summerland gang were able to rescue Oliver from the astral plane he had been stuck in for decades. Tragically, just as his mind was starting to piece his memories together, the Shadow King hopped inside his noggin and used him as its next victim.

If that wasn't bad enough, a clip from the upcoming second season suggests that the villain has put Oliver right back where he used to be. This preview featured Oliver and Lenny sunbathing by a pool... Before zooming out and revealing that the pair are inside the Shadow King's eye. So does this mean Oliver is trapped in the astral plane once again?

As well as sunbathing, the trailers have also shown Oliver and Lenny leading one of Legion's patented off-the-wall dance numbers. Usually, these represent some mental battle. Could this one be symbolising Oliver trying to break free of the psychic trap his captor has put him in?

While things don't look good for Oliver, though, it does give us a modicum of hope for the fate of another character...

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