Loki Episode 1: 8 Biggest Questions

4. Why Is Loki Attacking The TVA?

Loki show
Marvel Studios

When Loki was arrested by the TVA, he was sent before Judge Renslayer to answer for his crimes against the sacred timeline. While he didn't take it too seriously at the time, this was a potentially deadly situation for him, and if the judge and the Minute Men had their way, he would have been erased completely.

Agent Mobius however, wanted to keep him around because he could use him. Over recent times he had been investigating a being who was ambushing the workers of the TVA, someone who was revealed at the end of the episode to be Loki himself.

This raised questions immediately, starting with why. Clearly there is some timeline that has a God of Mischief with a grudge against the TVA, but why?

So far, Loki seems to have quickly accepted his fate at the TVA, and recognised them as the greatest power in the universe, so what would drive another version of him to try and burn the organisation?

There is a vast and open array of timelines throughout the multiverse, and there could be almost anything that has driven Loki to attack the TVA, but what exactly was it?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.