Loki Episode 1: 8 Biggest Questions

3. Which Version Of Loki Is Attacking The TVA?

Loki show
Marvel Studios

There has been a theory floating around the MCU fandom for some time that there will be multiple versions of Loki running around in the franchise's third Disney+ series. This has already been confirmed by Mobius in episode one, as there is another Loki attacking the TVA throughout different points in time.

Throughout the character's comic book history, Loki has had several different versions, ranging from Kid Loki, to Lady Loki, and Old Loki. It could be any of these that will be revealed as the mysterious, hooded Loki, while the latter seems likely as Richard E. Grant's character is yet to be confirmed and he would make a perfect older version of Tom Hiddleston.

Loki is certainly not limited to just these iterations, however. His shape-shifting ability could see him transform into just about anything, from a snake to trick Thor, to Steve Rogers himself. In this case, he could have possibly taken the form of a demon based on the reaction of the child in France.

Would it even be so unreasonable to think that maybe it is more than one Loki committing these acts? Possibly not to quite the same level as Rick and Morty's Council of Ricks, but who wouldn't love to see our part-way redeemed, slightly humbled Loki go toe-to-toe with a team of his worst versions who haven't shared such positive development?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.