Lost: 20 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References You Must See

7. "Moonlight Serenade" & The Mystery Of Glenn Miller

Episode: The Long Con You would have had to have been pretty smart to get this reference at the time of airing, because it takes a bit of extensive external knowledge. During season two's "The Long Con," Sayid and Hurley listen to a transmitter radio in an attempt to call for help. At one point, the pair pick up a few seconds of the classic 1940s instrumental "Moonlight Serenade" by famous musician and composer Glenn Miller. Nothing special about that, right? Just some eerie period music to set the mood? Well, that... and a lot more. You see, Glenn Miller famously vanished when his plane disappeared mysterious whilst flying over the English Channel back in 1944. So whilst the music is fitting in that creepy way (what is it about old music?), this is also a clever gag that nods to a piece of bonafide history. Did poor Glenn Miller end up on the island, perhaps?
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.