Lost: 20 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References You Must See

15. Jack's Reverse-Terminator Reference

Episode: The Beginning Of The End Here's a subtle reference to James Cameron's iconic sci-fi film that has clearly been included as a sort of jarring "Did I just hear that?" moment. You know, in the same way that it feels wrong when a person says "Fork and knife" or "Pepper and salt." Just, don't. During the scene in episode The Beginning Of The End, then, Jack - in an attempt to turn the group away from Locke (who has deemed to be dangerous), unleashes the line: "If you want to live, you need to come with me." This, of course, is a reverse-reference to the line "Come with me if you want to live" from The Terminator, uttered first by Kyle Reese and later - in sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day - by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Jack clearly couldn't bring himself to say the famous line out of fear that people wouldn't take him seriously, so he did the best thing that he could: he switched the clauses around!
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.