Lost In Space Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs
5. The Absolutely Insane Production Values

Make no mistake, this is one of the best-looking sci-fi TV shows ever produced. From the production design to the visual effects, cinematography, costume design and so on, it ditches the goofier, kitschier vibe of the original TV series and successfully adopts a cleaner, sharper, sexier aesthetic.
While this grittier style is sometimes at odds with the show's inherently silly plotting, it does make it decidedly easier to sit through the slower and less-convincing moments.
The set-pieces, meanwhile, are absolutely gorgeous to behold - especially a desperate drive through a field of geysers later on - and with the show coming shortly after the release of Altered Carbon, Netflix should be commended for pouring so much money into new sci-fi content.
If they could hire better writers in the future, though, that'd be great too.