Lost: Top 15 Deaths

6. The Man In Black

The Man in Black. Evil incarnate. The monster. In his own words, there's no need to name call, but most viewers can agree that, as the show's final physical conflict, Jacob's brother was a jerk. Though his backstory shined a light on his endless frustration and earned him some sympathy points, his actions in the present-day prevented anyone from being able to root for him. It was never entirely clear what would happen if he finally got to leave the island - who knows, maybe he would've gotten a nice, quiet job at a box company, but no one actually wanted him to "win" simply due to being responsible for destroying the lives of numerous characters. As played by Titus Welliver in flashbacks and by Terry O'Quinn in the present day, the Man in Black managed to be interesting, entertaining and mysterious right up to the end. The fight between him and Jack is a highlight of the final season and watching Jack kick him off a seaside cliff to his death is immensely satisfying.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!