MacGyver Season 3: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Bravo Lead + Loyalty + Friendship'


2. The Flashbacks Weren't Really Necessary

MacGyver Jack Flashback

Flashbacks can be an extremely useful narrative tool when it comes to delivering information to the viewing audience. However, while the mission in Bravo Lead + Loyalty + Friendship is one of MacGyver's strongest to date, the flashback scenes included in the episode prove to be more of a hindrance than a help.

It's not that they let the story down by any means, it's just that they don't really give us anything we don't already know. Jack's connection to Worthy is conveyed early on in the episode, and strong dialogue from writer Brian Durkin aids in strengthening the bond between the two characters. Therefore, the flashbacks are rendered pointless and do little other than take up time.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.