Mad Men Season 7: 25 Best Moments From Time Zones

6. Peggy And Lou

Peggy might not have the easiest season ahead of her. But, then again, when has Peggy ever had it easy? This time it seems she'll be grappling with Lou, who may be around for any length of time, although he's definitely been moved up since his brief appearances in season 6.

5. Wayne Trusts Joan

Could this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship? Maybe. Or it could be the beginning of Joan being offered an in-house advertising position at Wayne's company. Either way, a business graduate, a male business graduate, just asked Joan for help. This signals a potential season-long storyline between Joan and Wayne, and who knows where it could take us?

4. Peggy Has A Go

It happened - Peggy finally snapped. A combination of Lou's arrogant, careless attitude towards her, along with Ted's dismissal of her and the awkward moment with him by the toaster, drove Peggy to yell "You're all a bunch of hacks who are perfectly happy with s**t!" It's what some viewers have wanted to scream since episode one, although if they thought it that strongly they're probably not viewers any more.

3. Nixon Sets The Tone

We know that this will be the final season of Mad Men, and with the end of the show comes a new president - Richard Milhous Nixon. This is not the world of Watergate, this is not even the world that will go far into the 1970s, but Nixon sets the tone for the final season perfectly with his inaugural speech: "We are caught in war, wanting peace. We are torn by division, wanting unity. We see around us empty lives, wanting fulfilment. We see tasks that need doing, waiting for hands to do them. To a crisis of the spirit, we need an answer of the spirit. And to find that answer, we need only look within ourselves."

2. Peggy Breaks Down

It seems that her earlier outburst wasn't enough for the Peggy-bashing in this episode, as we leave her in tears on the floor. We were right, Peggy's in for a hard time as usual. But maybe, hopefully, the show's end might see Peggy happy for a change. Our bets are on things getting worse before they get better, if they do at all, so the end of the 2014 part of season 7 could (will) be a dramatic one.

1. Don's Back

As the opposite of Walter White sitting in his 'All Hail The King' pose surrounded by riches, Don finishes the episode out in the cold, back in New York, possibly returning to SC&P in the not-so-distant future. Although the episode shows his life, or at least his marriage, to have significantly improved since the end of season 6, he seems just as miserable and lost in his own body as he was back then. If there's one thing that this episode has shown, it's that this season will be no exception to the troubles of those before, and we're in for one hell of a finale. It's just a shame that this final season is being spread over two years. More like two seasons really.

I'm a British filmmaker (or, at least, trying to be) and about to graduate with a Film Studies degree. Most of the time I should spend working is actually on Netflix so I obviously have loads of life experience to share with you lovely people.