Marvel's Iron Fist: 44 Easter Eggs & Reference You Must See

37. The White Tiger Mask

White Tiger Marvel
Marvel Comics

In the first episodes when Ward Meacham sends his security team to take Danny out, there's a chase scene through a Chinese New Year celebration, and the mask Danny chooses to wear to blend in to the crowd is a distinctive white tiger mask.

If that didn't immediately prick up your Marvel senses for White Tiger, you probably weren't paying enough attention.

In the comics, White Tiger - the second iteration of the character - met Iron Fist and became one of the Heroes For Hire, as well as falling for Danny and attacking Misty Knight in jealousy of their relationship. It wasn't her fault, she was literally an evolved tiger and didn't really know any better.

There are a couple of other references to the character elsewhere too (more of which later)...


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