Marvel's Iron Fist: 44 Easter Eggs & Reference You Must See

25. The Marvel Monster Stickers

Jack Kirby Monsters

When Danny returns to his father's office eventually, he crawls under the desk and discovers that the stickers he used to stick there while his father worked are still there. It's unfeasibly that an office would go through renovation with the same desk, but still, it's an opportunity for a nice Easter Egg.

All of the stickers featured are classic Jack Kirby Marvel monsters, including Mangog, a yellow and red half-bull, half-robo-lobster Thor villain...

Mangog Marvel

And alien "space-God" Orrgo is also among the stickers, who was a member of S.T.A.K.E. - the special assessment unit of S.H.I.E.L.D. tasked with investigating supernatural occurrences. Sort of like the X-Files but with monsters and superheroes.


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