Marvel's Iron Fist: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

2. Is Claire Going To Be White Tiger?

Iron Fist Trailer Claire Temple

It has long been assumed that Rosario Dawson's Claire Temple was being set up to turn into Night Nurse - given that they share the same name and she has that function in the show - but it looks like the ending of Iron Fist reveals that she will actually be a blend of two heroes linked to The Defenders.

Because there's a very good chance she's going to be White Tiger, and we've just seen her origin story. Her combat training is one thing that sets that up, but more specifically, her choice of weapons is even more telling.

When the Chikara Dojo is attacked, Claire grabs a pair of jade claw amulets, and then later claims them as her own in her final scene in the finale. That wasn't to be ignored, as those amulets are the same artefacts that the Sons Of The Tiger pass on (accidentally) to the original White Tiger, which gave him his powers. That's basically us seeing that origin reimagined for Claire.

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