Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 10 Best Moments

2. Trish Kills Alisa (Episode 13, "AKA Playland")

Jessica Jones Alisa Dead

Ignoring the strange fact that this is the second Marvel Netflix show in a row to feature a finale at a fairground, Alisa and Jessica enjoyed a gentle big wheel ride as they spent their final moments together with the cops closing in on their location.

However, their heart-to-heart was brought to an abrupt end when Alisa was shot in the head totally out of nowhere, with the shooter subsequently being revealed as Trish.

Jessica naturally went straight on the offensive, but Trish managed to talk her down when she insisted it was to save Jessica's life, because the cops would surely shoot them both. In Trish's defence, it worked: when the cops made it to the scene moments later, they assumed Jess was the shooter and basically thanked her for getting the job done herself.

What was especially interesting about this scene is that, after Trish spent most of the season trapped in several horrendously bad subplots - namely her numerous attempts to become super-powered - her most powerful act was a simple, human one, albeit one that drove a huge wedge between herself and Jess.

When the two meet up once more at the end of the episode, Jess heartbreakingly tells her, "I look at you now and all I see is the person who killed my mother."

It seems that the two will be at loggerheads in season three, complicated by the subsequent reveal that Trish appears to have retained some residual powers from Dr. Malus' botched experiment (she improbably catches her phone after getting it knocked out of her hands).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.