Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 10 Best Moments

3. Finding Malcolm...With A Dating App (Episode 11, "AKA Three Lives and Counting")

Jessica Jones Kilgrave

Another brief moment that cleverly upended the season's more typical and generic detective elements saw Jess using the Marvel Cinematic Universe's answer to Tinder to track down her "associate" Malcolm (Eka Darville) after he went off the grid (having actually been knocked out and thrown in the trunk of a car by Trish).

Ingeniously, Jess uses Malcolm's "Teaser" dating app account to find the contact details for his latest hookups. She then calls these lovely ladies, claiming that Malcolm's had a drug relapse and needs to be located ASAP. Using their locations, she's able to triangulate the location of Malcolm's phone and figure out where he is.

Given how boring these sorts of scenes usually are, it was hugely refreshing to see a detective show embrace new technology in a totally unexpected way to reinvent a classic procedural trope.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.