Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

4. Turk Returns

Turk Barrett

There are some things you can rely on for certain in Marvel's Netflix shows. Usually, we'd get a corridor fight scene (the closest we get here is the frostiness between Jessica and Malcolm at the very end of the last episode), an appearance by Claire Temple, a Stan Lee poster and an appearance by the most resilient criminal in the MCU.

Though we only got one of the first three, we did get the final element as Turk Barrett once more turns up with his finger still very much in a lot of illegal pies. It's him that provides Jeri Hogarth with the gun she uses as a key part of her plan to manipulate Inez into killing Shane.

For once, he doesn't get his backside handed to him (not that his beatings have put him off a life of crime).


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