Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

3. The Wakandan Hint?

Jessica Jones Trish

Before Trish turns to the more extreme route of getting Dr Malus to operate on her, she tries to replicate Will Simpson's inhaler by taking it to a lab to have its contents analysed. Unfortunately for her, they identify some very dangerous ingredients and some they can't even identify fully.

Interestingly, the technician mentions that there's an "organic plant-based element" which they couldn't figure out. A plant that gives its user super powers? Surely that has to be a reference to Wakanda's Heart-Shaped Herb?

How Dr. Kozlov managed to get his hands on some of the Herb remains to be seen, but with the proximity to Black Panther's release, it's impossible to ignore the link.


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