Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

5. ...But She's Destined To Never Maintain Personal Relationships

Jessica Jones Janet Mcteer

The problem with the idea of Jessica Jones settling down with anyone - let alone Oscar - is that she's damaged goods who always seems to be at the epicentre of some traumatic situation or other. It's almost like that's part of her superpowers.

After her relationship with Luke went south in the first season thanks to revelations from her past, this season saw her fall out with both of her closest friends and allies in Malcolm and Trish as well as losing her mother. Even Jeri Hogarth - the closest thing she has to a professional colleague - now uses someone else to do her business.

In short, Jessica is not destined to have close relationships, and the healthier they appear on the surface, the more likely they'll be to combust completely. So it might not be all that smart to expect her current stability to last.


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