Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

4. No More Super-Experiments... Right?

Jessica Jones The Whizzer

After he's pressured into experimenting on Trish to make her super, Dr. Karl Malus comes over all Dr Frankenstein and realises that he's the true monster, destroying his lab and himself in one fell swoop while Jessica escapes with Trish. That would seem to put an end to the age of IGH as a creator of super-powered individuals. Possibly, anyway.

There is still a possibility of the information getting out and someone seeking out Malus' research (or even seeking Trish to manipulate and experiment on to make other supers), because Inez is still out there. Assuming she's going to jail for killing her boyfriend, she could realise that her knowledge of IGH as a bartering chip to get her out.

And if there's one thing superhero movies and shows have proven over the years, it's that there's always some shady government agency out there who would use that sort of information for nefarious means.


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