Marvel's Luke Cage: Ranking Every Major Character From Worst To Best

13. Squabbles

Luke Cage Characters

Finest Moment: Teaching Kung Fu.

He's not in Luke Cage for a particularly long time (which is sort of the point), but Squabbles joins the long procession of prison side-kicks who help naive/green newbies acclimatise and find their inner Andy Dufresne.

He might look like a bit of a joke, and get several beatings in the course of a single episode while Luke works on his magnificent beard-fro combo, but it turns out he's a cinephile with a passion for kung fu movies who actually teaches Cage how to fight.

Without him, Cage would just be impervious without being able to actually throw fists, and his death (though somewhat premature) adds an evil under-current to Shades and Officer Rackham that is very useful to the story.


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