Marvel's Luke Cage: Ranking Every Major Character From Worst To Best

12. Reva Connors

Luke Cage Characters

Finest Moment: The shocking revelations.

Having made her debut in Jessica Jones - briefly - Luke Cage represented an opportunity to see more of Luke Cage's former flame Reva, who was enough of a bright light in his life to make him completely drop Jessica from his life (despite him KNOWING what mind control did to people).

The show could have gone the easy route with Reva, making her an object of affection without any substance, but the script instead toyed with our affections just as it toyed with Luke's. She was presented as a sympathetic island of hope to him in Seagate and a genuinely good soul, but then came the revelation that she was actually manipulating him all along.

Not knowing where her love of him ended and her duty to Dr Burstein began made her a far more interesting character (and left room for Luke to sow his super oats elsewhere without feeling too guilty).


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