Marvel's Luke Cage Season 2: Ranking Every Major Character From Worst To Best

11. Colleen Wing

Luke Cage Iron Fist

Comic book best buds Misty Knight and Colleen Wing first met in The Defenders, leaving fans with the hope that we would soon get a proper Daughters of the Dragon team-up. In Luke Cage season 2, one episode pays lip service to this by bringing Iron Fist's Jessica Henwick over for a guest spot.

Henwick was arguably the best thing about Iron Fist's rocky first season so it was good to see her back in action here. Literally, actually, as her and Misty's bar-fight against some sexists goons is one of the most fun action sequences of the season. On a character level, her appearance was even key to Misty's arc as Colleen taught her not to see herself as a victim because she lost her arm.

Their partnership is so fun, it's a real shame that Colleen never shows up again after episode 3. Seriously, Marvel and Netflix, you need to give these two a spin-off now.

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