Marvel's The Defenders: 6 Reasons To Be Excited (And 4 To Be Worried)

2. Iron Fist Was Bad, And Finn Jones One Of Its Biggest Problems

The Defenders Iron Fist

As briefly covered already, Iron Fist is the worst Netflix Marvel series yet. And while the blame cannot solely be placed at the feet (or fist) of Finn Jones - there are too many issues with writing, choreography, and editing for it to be all his fault - he is nonetheless a big part of the problem. Had the series cast a better lead, than it may well have been able to get away with some of its other issues.

Jones plays Danny Rand like a petulant man-child; he doesn't have the charisma to carry the show, nor the action chops or sense of presence required in order to make for a convincing Iron Fist.

There is something in the idea that he might be a lot better off in The Defenders, where he's free from the burden of having an entire series on his shoulders, and can instead work as part of the team; the younger, more carefree member alongside his more serious counterparts.

And yet, based on what we see here, it'll still take a fair bit of work. Having only a quarter of the job to do and being surrounded by great characters (and hopefully given some better writing) makes his job easier, and mean he can't outright ruin the show himself, but it doesn't automatically make Jones' Rand any more charismatic, interesting, or even likeable, and that paints a lot of doubt over 25% of the show.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.