Marvel's The Defenders: 8 Huge Questions From The New Trailer

4. Is A Supporting Character Going To Die?

The Defenders Iron Fist

Danny Rand points out that the Hand has been targeting their loved ones, which is quickly followed up with a montage of beloved supporting characters and also Foggy Nelson.

Marvel seems positively allergic to killing off any heroic characters. With that being said, it must be remembered that it was the death of fan favorite Phil Coulson that finally brought the Avengers together, so it wouldn't be too unexpected for a repeat here. But who will it be?

Colleen Wing and Misty Knight are both definitely safe, as they will both appear in the upcoming season of Iron Fist. Karen Page is described as the "co-star" of The Punisher, so she survives. Trish Walker will probably play a crucial role in Jessica Jones Season 2 considering the likely inclusion of Nuke.

That leaves two huge options:

Foggy Nelson, who doesn't seem like he has much of a relationship with Matt Murdock anyway, so he could be killed off without ruining too much of the story.

Or... Claire Temple. If Stick is the Defenders' Nick Fury, then Claire is their Phil. It's been confirmed that Rosario Dawson will not be in The Punisher due to "scheduling conflicts," but that very well might be a red herring. Her death would deal a huge blow to both fans and the Defenders, in particular Luke Cage.

But if a romance between Cage and either Misty or Jessica Jones is the plan in the future, then killing off Claire is one (brutal) step in that direction.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.