Marvel's The Punisher: 10 Best Moments

8. The Kandahar Flashback (Episode 3, "Kandahar")

The Punisher Netflix Frank

The series' third episode, "Kandahar", features extensive flashbacks to Frank's time in Afghanistan, and concludes with Frank reluctantly taking part in a risky operation at the behest of Agent Orange.

Frank slaughters countless enemy combatants in an extended shootout sequence, though the most disturbing and memorable moment comes when Frank uses his bare hands to take on several more assailants.

As The White Buffalo's poignant "Wish It Was True" plays, Frank uses a piece of rock to cave in an enemy's face, with director Andy Goddard smartly lingering on Bernthal's anguished countenance, making the implication that much more unsettling.

The music, visuals and Bernthal's excellent performance combine to make this one of the show's most harrowing moments, not to mention a trenchant commentary on the nature of PTSD (especially as it leads to him blinding Orange in one eye).

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