Marvel's The Punisher: 10 Perfect Stories Netflix Could Adapt

6. Born

The Punisher Jon Bernthal
Marvel Comics

Born belongs in the comic-book hall of fame. It is simply one of the greatest stories ever told in comic-books. It's an in-depth examination of the horrors of war and the human psyche.

Set during Frank Castle's third tour of Vietnam, Born is a story of rape, insanity, violence, death and even teases an appearance of the Devil. Frank is a Captain in the military, and is portrayed as a Marine with a killer instinct, but who is slowly becoming unhinged. Castle is seemingly holding it together as men in his unit are being severely outnumbered by the Viet Cong, but as the death surrounding him mounts up, he can no longer keep it together.

As his mind begins to fail him, a voice in Frank's head offers him the chance to win an unending war, in exchange for something that is as yet unknown. When Frank returns home to his happy family, it's time to pay the piper, and we all know what happens next.

While it wouldn't make sense for The Punisher's first season to be a prequel of sorts, it would be incredible to see some Arrow-esque flashbacks to Frank's time in Vietnam, especially if the flashbacks of season 1 end with his family being murdered and leading into what we saw in Daredevil season 2. It would be a lovely piece of storytelling for everything to come full circle.


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